What is dipity?
A company that helps you achieve your goals.
Companies, institutions, associations – supervisory boards, executive boards, chief executive officers, and managing directors responsible for public relations, public affairs or HR. (testimonials on request)
investments (palette):
- einstieg.com, career and study guidance, 2000 - 2020, Co-Founder, Supervisory Board
- ergo Kommunikation, communications agency, 1992-2015, Co-Founder, Managing Partner, sale to Edelman end of 2015
- flowkey.com, digital piano self-learning, Business Angel since 2014
- 3yourmind.com, software for 3D-production, Business Angel since 2014
- stockpulse.de, data intelligence for financial markets, Business Angel since 2018
- Quantistry.com: Chemische Simulationen, Business Angel since 2020
- zentrum Nachhaltige Transformation GmbH: Managing Partner, CXO since 2022
What does dipity has to offer?
Everything strategy and communication need: analysis, ideas, concepts and implementation.
For example for:
Change, C-Level-Reputation, M&A, Public Affairs, crisis, special situations, organizational development, stakeholder-management, internal communication
For example by:
Developing ideas and themes, campaign concepts, setting up and inspiring teams, establishing and extending networks, strategic media and social media relations

Who is behind dipity?
Carl Hans Ulrich Helzer, 56, passionate about conveying interaction between companies, political bodies or authorities and society. Enjoys motion and results at work. Combines a desire for design change with staying power. And is convinced that success is more than just financial KPIs.
- 1966 Born in Wissen/Sieg
- 1985 A levels in Altenkirchen/Westerwald
- 1987 University Bonn: Politics, English, Arabic
- 1988 Cologne School of Journalism
- 1989 - 1995 University in Cologne, Economic and sociological Studies
- 1992 Foundation of ergo Kommunikation in Cologne, 2015 sale to Edelman
- 2000 Co-founder of einstieg.com
- 2018 Departure from Edelman.ergo
- 2018 Operative start of dipity
- 2022 Start of zentrum Nachhaltige Transformation
I look forward to your call, your mail.
I am curious about your goals - and how I can contribute to achieving them.